A customer with a Direct MAPI Exchange connection reported seeing a "MAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED (0x80040605)" error in the CRM monitor when trying to sync target users.
CRM Agent Service Logon Not Configured
An examination of the crmex-log file revealed that the MAPI direct connection was using the credentials of the "Riva" user
but the CRM Agent service is running as the system user.
The CRM Agent service is not configured correctly. The service must be configured to logon as the user that Riva is connecting to Exchange or as a local administrator user with full access permissions to the file system where Riva is installed (a user assigned to the local "Administrators" group or "Power Users" group). See Set Log On Identity - for Direct MAPI connections ONLY for instructions.
Riva Installed on an Exchange Server
The same error may also occur if Riva is installed on an Exchange server and the following conditions exist:
- the Outlook CDO.DLL library has been applied by the customer to that Exchange server, OR
- an Outlook client to been installed on the Exchange server.
Exchange uses a different CDO.DLL library from Outlook. Installing the Outlook CDO.DLL library or the Outlook client and can create MAPI [MAPI_E_NOT_INITIALIZED(80040605)] connection errors.
Refer to Exchange Management Pack MAPI Logon Alert for instructions on how to reverse the registration of the CDO.DLL file to use the Exchange CDO.DLL file.