Deprecated: Riva Insight OnPremise ASP.NET State Service

  • Updated
First Available In:   Insight Server 2020.4+ On-premise
Audience:   Riva Insight Administrators; Riva CET; Riva Success


The ASP.NET State Service has been deprecated starting with Riva Insight Server 2022.4.86034 On-premise

Riva Insight State Server

  • For Riva Insight 2022.4.86034 On-premise, Riva insight was updated to use an Asynchornous State Service. 
  • As the asynchronous State Service is not supported by the ASP.NET State Service, Riva Insight has deprecated the use of the ASP.NET state service.
  • For Insight 2022.4.86034+, please ensure that you update your install to use the Redis State Service.

How To: ASP.NET State Service as a State Server

  • Under the Services Control Panel (services.msc) ensure the "ASP.NET State Service" service has the "Startup type" set to "Automatic" and has been started
  • For Insight 2022.5+ 
  • Update the webSessionManagement.xml under {InsightApp}\Insight\ to the following:
<sessionState mode="StateServer"/>
  • In the Insight web.config, ensure the following is commented out:

<remove name="Session" />
<add name="Session" 
  Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" 
  preCondition="integratedMode" /> 

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