Turn the Admin User Into a Non-Syncing, Admin-Only User

  • Updated

This applies to any mode of Riva Cloud.

By default, Riva Cloud allows the Admin user to sync data and consume a licensed seat, but our clients usually do not want the Riva Cloud admin user included as a licensed syncing user.

  • That is because the admin Riva Cloud account usually holds the service account connections, which are specifically created for Riva to facilitate sync to the users. The service account connections are not tied to any specific person, which means that they do not require syncing.
  • If the connections are tied to a specific CRM or email user, then our clients generally want a Riva admin with sync.

Riva Cloud has an option that configures a Riva Cloud admin user into a non-syncing admin user.

Note: By default, the user who originally registered for the free 15-day Riva Cloud trial is a Riva Cloud admin user.


To configure a Riva Cloud admin user into a non-syncing, admin-only user:

  1. Log in as the Riva Cloud admin user.

  2. On the menu bar, select Users.

  3. In the User Manager, hover the mouse over the New-person-icon-(to-impersonate) (5).png icon. When the New-Pencil (2).png icon appears, select it.

    New-Edit-admin-KB-1502 (2).png

  4. On the Edit User Account page that appears, look near the bottom. On the User Type drop-down list, select Admin-Only (Non-Syncing User - Exclude from License Count).

  5. At the bottom of the page, select Update or Save to save and apply the change.

  6. In the bottom right corner of the User Manager, verify the license count information to confirm that the admin user no longer consumes a license count.

    For example, if you have not added any users yet, the Total User Count is 1 and the Licensed Sync User Count is n/a.

    Total-User-Count (1).png

Results of this procedure for the Riva Cloud admin user:

  • You cannot create connections or a sync policy for yourself.

  • You cannot see the Dashboard-icon(1) (3).png icon on the menu bar, except when you impersonate a syncing user.

  • After you log in to Riva Cloud, the first thing you see is the User Manager.

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