Migrating to Office 365: Strategy For Riva Cloud

  • Updated
This applies to Riva Cloud.

Planning on migrating to Office 365 shortly? If so, we are here to help. Contact our team before your planned migration date to review how to update your Riva Cloud configuration to ensure a smooth transition for your end users.

How Does Riva Sync Exchange Mailboxes?

Riva maintains transaction records for data that has been synchronized for each user. Those transaction records

  • record a relationship between the Object ID of the Exchange item (contact, appointment, task, or email) and the Object ID of the corresponding CRM item.
  • record the GlobalID of each Exchange calendar item Riva synced.
  • record the FolderID of the Exchange folder in the user's mailbox where items are stored, specifically the Contact folder, primary calendar folder, task folder, Inbox, Sent Items folder, and the entire Riva-created folder structure used for manual email sync.
  • record the GUID of the user mailboxes that Riva is syncing.
  • record the date-time stamp when the item was last created, updated, or deleted and then synced by Riva. 

The Importance of a Smooth Migration

Any significant Exchange system change can impact the Riva transaction records and how Riva behaves. Migration to Office 365 will present similar challenges. Because each of the above scenarios presents unique Riva challenges, the change must be well planned to ensure minimal disruption of the Riva sync service for users. If Riva cannot find the applicable item or folder ID when attempting to sync, Riva normally reports an error and stops syncing the user.

What Are Your Options?

As a Riva Cloud client, it is beneficial to plan your mailbox migration with us to avoid potential problems.

There are two main approaches to achieving this goal:

  • Highly recommended: Use the built-in Microsoft migration tool to migrate mailboxes. This method is easiest because Riva stores hidden attributes of all the previously synchronized items — namely, Exchange Object IDs. The Object IDs store metadata from items already synced. When the Microsoft migration tool is deployed, the Object IDs remain the same, which allows Riva to resume syncing where it left off.
  • Requires planning: Use PST files or a 3rd-party migration tool. When using these tools, the Exchange Object IDs can change, which will cause the Riva sync service to stop. We recommend planning this type of migration with our Riva Cloud Operations team in advance to avoid duplication of items already synced. For more information on planning for this scenario, see Line in the sand for Exchange and HCL Notes sync policies.

Ready to Migrate?

To discuss your options, contact the Riva Success Team.

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