Riva Cloud 2018.10 Release Notes

  • Updated

The Riva Cloud release notes list what is new in this release:

Release version: 2018.10
Release date: December 27, 2018



Simplified the Microsoft Dynamics CRM connection

  • We have removed this check box: Web URL: Include the Dynamics organization name in generated URLs, because Riva Cloud retrieves the URL automatically and can use it if need be.

Updated the IP Whitelist for two email connections

  • IBM Notes
  • GroupWise

The Connection pages for IBM Notes and GroupWise are used to list the IP ranges required to connect with Riva Cloud.

Now, each of those Connection pages has a link to a Network Trusts page that includes

  • an updated list of IP ranges to whitelist; and
  • the facility to whitelist the ranges.

For more information, contact the Riva Success Team.

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