To Sign In with Google If You Used a Google Account and Credentials for Your Riva Cloud Account
If you used a Google account and credentials to set up your Riva Cloud account, you can use the same Google account to sign in to Riva Cloud with Google.
To Sign In with Google If You Did Not Use Google for Your Free Trial
If you did not use Google when registering for your Riva Cloud account:
- Do this one-time setup: Link your Google account to your Riva Cloud account.
- Whenever you want to, sign in to Riva Cloud with Google.
To link your Google account to your Riva Cloud account:
On the Riva Cloud side navigation bar, select the dropdown arrow beside Security, and select Authentication.
On the Authentication page that appears, select Sign in with Google.
On the Riva Cloud Sign in with Google page that appears, select Enable.
Result: You are directed to the Google authentication services.
On the Google Sign-in page or Google Choose an account window that appears, follow the instructions and click or tap as needed.
Result: When you are signed in to a Google account, that Google account is linked to your Riva Cloud account.
Log out of Riva Cloud and test signing into Riva Cloud with Google.
Sign In to Riva Cloud with Google
To sign in to Riva Cloud with Google:
Go to
If you are already authenticated with Google, you are redirected to the Riva Cloud Get Started page, Connections Dashboard, or User Manager, just as you would if you had logged in without Google. You are done signing in.
If you are not already authenticated with Google, the Google Sign in or Google Choose an account window appears.
If a Google window has appeared, enter or select the required Google account. If you are asked to provide your password, provide it.
After signing in to Riva Cloud with Google, if you would like tips on what to do next, select this link: if you see something like...