Change Management in Riva On-Premise

  • Updated

Keeping track of — and documenting — the changes that are made to Riva sync connections, policies, advanced options, and/or custom options is very important.

Built-in change management tracking is available in Riva 2.4.43 or higher. A Change Entry window is available to record the reason for a change made to a connection, policy, or advanced options, or custom options. It is also possible to record one explanation that will apply to multiple subsequent changes. The information entered in the Change Entry window persisted with the same document that stores the connection, policy, or external settings.

Many organizations use a source code repository like Git or SVN. Those repositories can track changes as well as display changes between revisions. By placing the Riva\Configuration and Riva\Custom folders in a repository, changes to Riva can be maintained under change control.

Note: The Change Entry window is not available to record changes made in app.settings files. What is an app.setting file? This limitation is effective whether the app.setting file is edited with an external editor (for example, Notepad) or by means of the Riva Manager application.


How Change Entry Works

Every change entry can record

  • a technical support issue number related to the change;
  • the author or team that is making the change;
  • a reason for the change; and/or
  • a more detailed, multi-line description of the change.

How Change Entries Are Saved

The change entries are saved to the modified connection, policy, or advanced settings.


This example is at the top of a sync policy file named "CRM Synchronization Policy.policy",


How to Configure Change Entries

By default, changes are saved without recording change entries.

To require a change entry after every change:

  1. Start the Riva Manager application.

  2. On the menu bar, select Tools, and then choose Change Entry Configuration.

  3. In the window that appears, select the Require change entry on all changes checkbox, and select OK.

    Result: Every time a connection or policy is saved, the Change Entry window appears for recording an Issue #, Reason, and/or Description.

To use the same change entry for a series of changes (Configuration Mode):

  1. Start the Riva Manager application.

  2. On the menu bar, select Tools, and then choose Change Entry Configuration.

  3. In the window that appears, within the Configuration Mode area, select Start, and select OK.

  4. In the Global Change Entry window that appears, enter the details that will be automatically recorded for multiple subsequent changes, and select OK.


    • Configuration Mode becomes effective. Every time a connection or policy is saved, the change entry made in the Global Change Entry window is automatically saved with the connection or policy.

      Note: In Riva or higher, the Configuration Mode becomes inoperative if you exit from the Riva Manager application.


    • At the top of the Riva Manager application, a constant reminder displays the Reason that was entered or selected in the Global Change Entry window.


  5. When you no longer want that change entry to be saved with changes (in other words, when you want Configuration Mode to become inoperative), do as follows:

    1. On the menu bar, select Tools, and then choose Change Entry Configuration.

    2. In the window that appears, within the Configuration Mode area, select Stop, and select OK.


    • The reminder that displayed the Reason for the change disappears.
    • The change entry made in the Global Change Entry window will no longer be saved with connection or policy changes. 

To save changes without recording change entries:

  1. Start the Riva Manager application.

  2. On the menu bar, select Tools, and then choose Change Entry Configuration.

  3. In the Configure Change Entry window, clear the Require change entry on all changes checkbox, and select OK.

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