Force Restart of The CRM Agent Service For COM-Dependent Connections

  • Updated

With some COM-dependent Riva connections (like Saleslogix, GoldMine, or Exchange MAPI), a restart of the CRM Agent service may help improve stability.

This app.setting option restarts the CRM Agent service daily at a given time.

Force and Schedule the CRM Agent Service to Restart Daily

Create or modify an App.Setting file to enable advanced options.

Create or Modify One or More of These App.Setting Files

To enable this app.setting option and set the daily restart time:

Add the app.setting option keys and values to:

  • For the Riva CRM Agent for Exchange / Notes / Google service, modify the file: Omni.Riva.CrmAgentEx.exe.config

  • For the Riva CRM Agent for GroupWise service, modify the file: Omni.Riva.CrmAgent.exe.config

  • For the Riva SDK Connection Agent service, modify the applicable file:

    • For the Notes Connection Agent service file: Omni.Riva.Sdk.Domino.Agent.exe.config

    • For the Dynamics CRM (XRM) Connection Agent service file: Omni.Riva.Sdk.MsCrm.Agent.exe.config

    • For the SAP C4C Connection Agent service file: Omni.Riva.Sdk.OracleFusion.Agent.exe.config

    • For the generic SDK Agent service file: Omni.Riva.Sdk.Service.exe.config

Use These Advanced Custom Options

  • To enable the daily auto-restart of the CRM Agent service:

    Sync.Crm.ForceExit = True (Enables the option.)
    Sync.Crm.ForceExit = False (Disables the option if previously enabled.)
  • To set the daily auto-restart time for the CRM Agent service:

    Sync.Crm.ForceExitTime = 4:15 (Uses HH:MM to specify the exact start time.)
    (The default restart time is 3 AM local if this option is not specified.)

Applies to

  • Riva On-Premise 2.4.39 or higher.

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