Manage Users in Riva Sync Policies For Exchange and IBM Notes

  • Updated

In most environments, Riva is deployed with the "use impersonation" connection option enabled in the sync policy. In those deployments, the typical configuration involves creating

  • one Riva connection to the email system using a service user account that syncs all user mailbox accounts,
  • one Riva connection to the CRM using a service/admin user account that syncs all target user CRM accounts, and
  • one Riva sync policy for a collection of target users.

This article describes management tasks for target users:

Riva for Exchange and Salesforce using SSO - There are some differences with managing target Salesforce users when Riva is configured to the Single Sign-On (SSO) feature in Salesforce. See Manage target Salesforce users in an SSO-enabled Riva environment.

Disable or Enable Syncing for All Target Users in a Sync Policy

To temporarily disable and re-enable data sync for all target users in a sync policy, use these procedures:

Disable data sync for a sync policy

Disable a sync policy to stop data sync to all target users of that policy. On the first full sync cycle, after the policy is disabled, Riva stops syncing the target users.

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. Right-click the sync policy for the desired target users, and select Disable.

    Result: On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service stops syncing data to the disabled users.

  3. In the Riva Service Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target users has ceased.

Enable data sync for a sync policy

Enable a sync policy to start data sync to all target users of that policy. On the first full sync cycle, after the policy is enabled, Riva starts syncing the target user.

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. Right-click the policy for the desired disabled sync policy, and select Enable.

    Result: On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service resumes syncing data to the re-enabled users.

  3. In the Riva Service Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target users has restarted.

Disable or Enable Syncing for a Single User

Use these procedures to temporarily disable and re-enable data sync for a specified user.

Remove the user to disable data sync temporarily to a user

To temporarily stop syncing to a specific user, remove the user from the assigned sync policy. On the first sync cycle, after the policy is saved, Riva stops syncing data to the removed user.

  1. Start the Riva Manager application, On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. Right-click the policy for the desired target user, and select Edit.

  3. Select the General tab. On the email user list, select the user to disable, and select remove >>.

  4. Save the sync policy.

    Result: On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service stops syncing data to the removed user.

  5. In the Riva Service Monitor application, confirm that data sync to the target user has ceased.

Note: The removed user remains visible in the user queue in the Riva Service Monitor application until the service is stopped/started or restarted.

Add a user to re-enable data sync for the user

To re-enable sync to a target user previously removed, re-assign them to the sync policy. On the first sync cycle, after the policy is saved, Riva starts syncing data to the re-enabled target user.

  1. Start the Riva Manager application. On the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. Right-click the policy for the desired disabled target user, and select Edit.

  3. Select add >>, and follow the steps to add the previously removed user to the target user list.

  4. Save the sync policy.

    Result: On the next sync cycle, the Riva CRM Agent service resumes syncing data to the re-enabled user.

  5. In the Riva Service Monitor application, confirm that the data sync to the user has restarted.

Permanently Remove Users from a Sync Policy

Overview of the process:

  1. Clear Riva-synced data from the user's mobile device.
  2. Remove the user(s) from the sync policy.
  3. Release the license count.
  4. Optional: Remove the user's transaction data.
  5. Optional: Remove the user's sync logs.

For detailed instructions, see Remove user(s) from Riva sync policy and reset the license count.

Add New Users to a Sync Policy

You can add users to a sync policy after completing the initial testing and possibly modifying the sync policy so that you are satisfied that Riva is syncing data between the email system and the CRM as expected.

There are two methods to add users to be synced by Riva:

Move Target Users Between Sync Policies

To prevent possible duplication of records or sync errors, ensure that you follow the correct procedure:

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