Unable to Establish MAPI Connection For Outlook Profile User

  • Updated

A customer reported seeing the error "[822790255] Unable to establish MAPI connection. If error persists, please restart the CRM Agent" in the CRM Monitor application.

Examination of the crmex-log file revealed:

2012-05-22 11:03:22,513  INFO [CrmAgentStart] [(null)] [CrmAgent]    Running As: 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' IsAuth:True Type:Negotiate
2012-05-22 11:03:24,716  INFO [CTP-tun #0] [207319260]       [ExMapiConnection,  ConnectInner]     Profile connection to MYCOMPANY\administrator @ admin@mycompany.com Basic False
2012-05-22 11:03:54,591 ERROR [CTP-tun #1] [1154657572] Unable to establish MAPI connection.  If error persists, please restart the CRM Agent.  Details: admin@mycompany.com<>PROFILE[admin@mycompany.com] : admin@mycompany.com
Omni.Connection.Exchange.xda9a468bde6b75d1: Unable to establish MAPI connection.  If error persists, please restart the CRM Agent.


Riva can use an Outlook profile to establish a MAPI connection to a target Exchange system.  When an Outlook Profile is used, MAPI requires that the connection be initialized by a Windows user that "owns" the Outlook Profile.  In this case, the CRM Agent service was configured to log on using the local SYSTEM account.

Outlook Profile MAPI Connection Requirements Explained - In this case, to ensure that the Riva CRM Agent service initiates the MAPI connection properly, the service must be configured to log in as the Windows user that created (owns) the Outlook Profile.  In addition, that Windows account should be added to the local Administrators group to ensure that the CRM Agent service has the necessary permissions to execute the service and write to the Riva log files and Windows temporary files.


Refer to Configure properties of the Riva CRM Agent service for Exchange: Set Log On Identity for detailed instructions.

Applies to

  • Riva Server for Exchange - Outlook Profile MAPI Connections

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