[ServerError] [Error.DominoUtilityWebServices.classDbSearch] 117, 6, Overflow

  • Updated


[ServerError] [Error.DominoUtilityWebServices.classDbSearch] 117, 6, Overflow
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Omni.Sync.Crm.Sdk.Service.ErrorInfo]: [ServerError] [Error.DominoUtilityWebServices.classDbSearch] 117, 6, Overflow (Fault Detail is equal to [ServerError] [Error.DominoUtilityWebServices.classDbSearch] 117, 6, Overflow).



A search result was returned that was too large for the current Lotus Notes API to handle.


  1. Update Riva to the latest public release to enable Riva to use the newer Xml API.

  2. If you cannot update Riva, contact the Riva Success Team for a link to download the latest Riva Connector.

    You need at least version 10 of the Riva Connector.

  3. Upgrade the Riva Connector.

  4. Apply the following advanced option to the IBM Notes connection:

    Domino.UseXmlApi.Enabled = true

  5. Restart the Riva service.

  6. If the issue is not resolved, contact the Riva Success Team.

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