Salesforce - Support For State and Country Pick List

  • Updated
This article (number 1334) has been deprecated because it was a duplicate of Support for Salesforce State and Country Pick Lists. The current article (number 1334) is no longer maintained.


Salesforce has recently allowed the option for a State and Country picklist in the contact interface. For Riva to sync this option properly, an advanced option has to be added to the Salesforce Connection:

Salesforce Country Picklist

To enable the option in Salesforce:


Advanced option to enable Riva Support

A key must be added to the Salesforce connection for this to be available with Riva:

  1. Launch the Riva Manager application, and select the Setup tab.

  2. In the right pane, double-select the Salesforce Connection.

  3. In the window that appears, select the Advanced Options tab, and then select Edit Custom Options.


  4. In the Key and Value fields, enter the following key and its value:

    Sync.Crm.Contact.StateCountryPickList.Supported = True

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