Duration Must be Between 0 and 1440 Minutes - Salesforce Error - [FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION]

  • Updated


When Riva Cloud or Riva On-Premise attempts to sync multiple appointments (appointments that span two or more calendar days), an error similar to the following may occur.

2012-08-01 15:49:32,650 ERROR [CTP-xim #1596] [18HNG8F79NNK] [FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION] Duration must be between 0 and 1440 minutes: Duration -- DurationInMinutes

Omni.Sync.ItemSyncException: [FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION] Duration must be between 0 and 1440 minutes: Duration -- DurationInMinutes
 ---> Omni.Connection.Salesforce.SforceErrorResponseException: [FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION] Duration must be between 0 and 1440 minutes: Duration -- DurationInMinutes



Salesforce is not configured for multiday-spanning appointments, but Riva is. (For Riva On-Premise, this is possible in release 2.4.31 or higher.)


The solution is the same for Riva Cloud and Riva On-Premise because it is implemented in Salesforce.

To configure Salesforce to support multiday events:

  1. Log in to Salesforce as an administrator.

  2. Select Setup Customize Activities Activity Settings.

  3. Select the Enable Multiday Events check box, and select Submit.


    After the Salesforce Enable Multiday Event option is selected, Riva can support syncing to appointments with a duration of greater than 1440 minutes (24 hours).

Applies to

  • Riva Cloud.
  • Riva On-Premise 2.4.31 or higher.
  • Salesforce.

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