GoldMine: Insert Contact Details Into Appointment/Call Subject

  • Updated

With Riva, it is possible to insert the contact name, company name, and phone number into the subject of a GoldMine appointment or phone call that Riva syncs to Exchange.

This article applies to Riva 2.4.37 or earlier.
For Riva 2.4.38 or higher, see Related contact details.


To insert contact details into the GoldMine appointment subject:

Create or modify the following app.setting fileOmni.Riva.CrmAgentEx.exe.config.

Include the following keys and values:

  1. Insert contact details into the appointment subject.  When enabled, this option will insert the primary contact name, company, primary phone number, email address, and street address.

    GoldMine.Appointment.Regarding.Enable = True / False (true enables this option)

  2. Indicate if there are multiple contacts.  If you need an indication that there are multiple contacts add this option:

    GoldMine.Appointment.Regarding.ShowMultipleContacts = True / False (true enables this option)

    If this is set, then if there are multiple contacts, the words “Multiple Contacts” will also be added to the subject.

  3. Insert contact details into the call subject.  When enabled, this option will insert the contact name, company, and primary phone number.

    GoldMine.PhoneCall.Regarding.Enable = True / False (true enables this option)

  4. Do not insert email address(es) in the subject.  If GoldMine.PhoneCall.Regarding.Enable = True, set this option to "false" to ensure that inserted contact details do not include the email address of the contact..

    GoldMine.Appointment.Subject.IncludeAddresses = True / False (false will not insert email addresses)
    GoldMine.PhoneCall.Subject.IncludeAddresses = True / False (false will not insert email addresses)

Applies to

  • For GoldMine and Exchange appointment contact details insertion - Riva for Exchange 2.4.24+
  • For GoldMine and Exchange how multiple appointment contacts - Riva for Exchange 2.4.26+
  • For GoldMine and Exchange phone call contact details insertion - Riva for Exchange 2.4.27+
  • For GoldMine and Exchange do not insert email addresses - Riva for Exchange 2.4.31+
  • In Riva 2.4.38+ this option is built into the interface. For more information, see Related contact details.

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