Microsoft Dynamics CRM Versions Supported By Riva Sync

  • Updated

A Riva Sync connection to Microsoft Dynamics CRM supports the following versions of Dynamics CRM.

Dynamics CRM Version Riva Cloud Riva On-Premise Version Requirement
Dynamics 365 CRM. Supported. Riva 2.4.42 or higher.
Dynamics CRM 2016. Supported. Riva 2.4.42 or higher.
Dynamics CRM 2015. Supported. Riva 2.4.38 or higher.
Dynamics CRM 2013. Supported. Riva 2.4.34 or higher.
Dynamics CRM 2011 RU 11 minimum. Grand-fathered.1 Riva 2.4.34 or higher.


  1. Customers can no longer create a connection for a grand-fathered item, but existing customer connections are still supported.

Main Riva Cloud articles related to the connection to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 or higher:

Main Riva On-Premise articles related to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011+ connection:

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