Receive Digest Riva Sync Error Notifications by Email

  • Updated

Applies to Riva 2.4.45 or higher.

By default, when a user has encountered the same sync error a few sync cycles in a row, an email notification is sent to the Riva administrator. As a result, some administrators find that they receive too many notifications.

Fortunately, it is possible to configure Riva 2.4.45 or higher to send only occasional digest notifications. A digest notification

  • Groups and condenses the error reports for all the users synced by a given sync policy.
  • It can be configured to be emailed once a day at a specific time or multiple times a day at specific intervals.
  • It can be potentially shortened by specifying a maximum number of errors to report per notification.

To configure digest sync error notifications:

  1. For a given sync policy, configure two advanced options.
  2. At the global Riva level, configure one or more advanced options that apply to all sync policies.

Step 1: For a given sync policy, configure two advanced options

For every sync policy that you want to digest sync error notifications for, do as follows:

  • Configure the following advanced options for the sync policy:

    Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.Enabled = True

    and either one of these:

    • Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.IntervalInMinutes = MM (where MM is the number of minutes between digest email notifications.)
    • Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.TimeOfTheDay = hh:mm (where hh:mm is the time of day in the 24-hour format to send a daily digest email notification.)

Example 1. To receive a digest sync error notification email for a given sync policy every 45 minutes, configure these advanced options:

  • Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.Enabled = True
  • Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.IntervalInMinutes = 45

Example 2. To have the Riva system send one digest email per day for a given sync policy at 1 P. M.:

  • Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.Enabled = True
  • Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.TimeOfTheDay = 13:00, where 13:00 is the 24-hour time format for 1 P. M.

Step 2: At the global Riva level, configure one or more advanced options

The settings that are configured here apply to all the digest notifications sent for any sync policy that has been configured for digest notifications.

  • In the App.Setting file Omni.Riva.CrmAgentEx.exe.config, configure one or more of the following advanced options:

    • Required: <add key="Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.RootLoggerEnabled" value="True" /> (Enables the use of digest notifications by Riva.)

    • Optional: <add key="Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.MaxEmbeddedErrors" value="max" /> (Where max is the maximum number of embedded errors to include in the email. Default: 10.)

    • Optional: <add key="Sync.Crm.PolicyLevelNotifier.TemplatePath" value="@File=[folder]\[file name]" /> (Configures the use of an email template for the digest notifications. If this advanced option is not configured, the notifications are sent in plain text.)

      • [folder] is the folder that contains the email template for the digest notifications. In a default Riva installation for versions 2.4.53 or higher, [folder] is c:\Riva\Resources\EmailNotificationTemplates .
      • [file name] is the file name of the template. It varies depending on the version of Riva:
        • Riva 2.4.53 or higher: _EmailTemplates.ItemSummaryLevel.Errors.html
        • Riva 2.4.45 through 2.4.52: _EmailTemplates.Errors.html . Note: In Riva 2.4.45 through 2.4.52, the HTML email template file was not provided in the Riva installation package. To use the HTML email template with Riva 2.4.45 through 2.4.52, request it from the Riva Success Team.

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