If users delete items that are too far back into the past, for example, appointments or tasks that are 120 days old, the Riva sync consumes much time to poll the environment to locate and remove the corresponding items. It is usually safe to presume that historical items older than 30 days would have no material significance for data sync purposes. To reduce unnecessary polling for old items that are deleted, it is possible to configure Riva to ignore the deletion of items in the CRM or email system if the item is older than 30 days from the current sync date.
Advanced Options to Set the Maximum Age for Delete Polls
Two advanced options can be configured to modify the default number of days for the maximum age delete poll filter.
To set the maximum age for deleting polls:
Set the following advanced options for the sync policy:
Crm.DaysAllowedForDelete = ## (For Email to CRM sync. Specify the number of days. "30" is the default.)
Sync.Crm.MaxAgeForDeletions = ## (For CRM to Email sync. Specify the number of days. "30" is the default.)
Example: Sync.Ex.MaxAgeForDeletions = 60
For Calendar items
Crm.DaysAllowedForDelete.Appointment = ## (Email to CRM)
Sync.Crm.MaxAgeForDeletions.Calendar= ## (CRM to EX)
For specific calendar modules on the mailbox, use the following
Sync.Crm.MaxAgeForDeletions.Appointment = ##
Sync.Crm.MaxAgeForDeletions.Phone_Call = ##
Sync.Crm.MaxAgeForDeletions.Service_Appointment = ##
Advanced Option to Disable the Maximum Age Delete Poll Filter
An advanced option disables the default maximum age delete poll filter to allow a full snapshot poll to be performed to remove all deleted items regardless of age.
To disable the maximum age delete the poll filter:
Set the following advanced option for the sync policy:
Sync.Crm.PollBySnapshot.AdvancePollTimeByItemModDates.Disabled = true
Note: To re-enable the maximum age for deleting poll filtering, set the option to false
Use this option in conjunction with the re-init option Resync & Repoll (from CRM to email) or Reverse Resync & Repoll (from email to CRM).
Applies to
- Riva 2.4.36 or higher for the option to disable the maximum age deleting poll filter.
- Riva 2.4.28 or higher for options to set a different maximum age for deleting poll days.
- Riva On-Premise for Exchange, IBM Notes, GroupWise SDK, and Google's G Suite.