Custom Options to Prevent Processor Threads From Hanging Indefinitely

  • Updated


At times, threads may seem to hang indefinitely somewhere on the EWS side. Eventually, all threads are consumed and syncing stops.




Use custom options that cause Riva to automatically kill a "hung" thread, restart the service, and report a critical error condition that would send a notification email to the Riva administrator.

To implement the solution

  • Apply the following custom options to the sync policy:

    Sync.Crm.WatchDog.MaxCycleLengthSeconds = [number of seconds] - Specify the number of seconds that a thread can hang before Riva takes action.

    Example: Sync.Crm.WatchDog.MaxCycleLengthSeconds = 600 (Specifies 10 minutes.)

    Sync.Crm.WatchDog.RaiseCriticalErrorWhenTimerExpires = true - (Enables Riva to take action.)

If Sync.Crm.WatchDog.MaxCycleLengthSeconds has a value and Sync.Crm.WatchDog.RaiseCriticalErrorWhenTimerExpires is true, Riva kills the hung thread and raises a critical Windows error. If Riva error notification and email notification are enabled, Riva sends a notification email to the designated recipient.

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Applies to

  • Riva On-Premise for Exchange, Notes, Google's G Suite, and GroupWise SDK
  • Riva On-Premise 2.4.38+



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