Riva CRM 2.4.19 (2010.12.14)

  • Updated

In this Release.  This is a maintenance and update release that includes:

  • Added HttpProxy option on a per-connection basis.  Contact Omni support for details.
  • Salesforce: Emails have an attachment summary appended to their bodies that includes the attachment name and size.
  • Salesforce:  Optional customization to expand required and optional attendee list (read-only sync from Exchange to Salesforce).
  • CRM Policy:  Added option to filter personal/private contacts using Company field (Exchange).
  • GoldMine:  Added option to customize phone number field mappings.
  • CRM Policy: Added option to disable fast sync.
  • CRM Policy:  Added option to disable the creation of accounts when syncing contacts from Exchange to CRM.
  • CRM Policy: Added option to selectively reinitialize modules.
  • Various maintenance enhancements and fixes.

Recommended Update Procedures: 

  • If you are running Riva 2.3.0 (or higher) you can perform a normal "Check for Updates" procedure.
  • If you are updating from a previous version of Riva, before you update to version 2.3.0 (or higher), delete all of the address books, calendars, and folders Riva had previously created in the users' accounts.  You will also need to either delete your existing Policy and create a new one or re-initialize all users and check ALL of the option tabs and folder names to confirm the new options.  By creating a new policy, you are working with a clean set of data.

Previous Release:   Riva CRM 2.4.18 (2010.11.01)

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