Use Riva Insight Track in CRM

  • Updated

Audience: End Users.


When in basic mode (basic email tracking),

  • you can track emails in the CRM even though you cannot see the Riva Insight panel or the Track In CRM button on Outlook's Home ribbon.
  • you can sync emails according to the SmartConvert, Inbox, and Sent Items settings of your user sync policy.
  • you do not need to move emails manually to a Riva-created Create New Email folder.

To track email messages or calendar items in the CRM:

  1. Ensure that you have enabled basic mode.
  2. Track as follows:

    • Select an email or open a calendar item that you want to track, and select Track and Send.

      Note: In older versions of the Insight plugin, the button may be labelled Track in CRM.

      Track in CRM kb 1382.png

    During the next sync cycle, that item is tracked against the records selected in the Track and Send window. When viewing in CRM, you will be able to see the new relationship.



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