In Riva Insight On-Premise 2020.4 or higher, a state service for cache and session management is required for scalability and performance.
Configure one of the following:
- We recommend installing and configuring Redis.
- Alternatively, you can use ASP.NET State Service.
Recommended: Redis
To install, configure, and start Redis, and verify that it works:
From the device that hosts your Riva Insight Server, go to, and click Save File.
Double-click the .msi file to install Redis.
In the wizard that appears, follow the instructions to the end.
If upgrading from Riva Insight 2020.3 or earlier, be sure to use the "webSessionManagement.config" file from the Riva Insight On-Premise package instead of using your backed-up copy.
Open the "Riva\Riva Insight\Insight\webSessionManagement.config" XML file, and make sure it contains the below information. If it does not contain the information, you may grab a version from the Riva Insight On-Premise package.
<sessionState customProvider="RedisSessionStateProvider" mode="Custom" cookieSameSite="None"> <providers> <add name="RedisSessionStateProvider" type="Microsoft.Web.Redis.RedisSessionStateProvider" connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds="9000" connectionString="RedisConnectionString" /> </providers> </sessionState>
Ensure that the following connection string is present in the "Riva\Riva Insight\Insight\webConnectionStrings.config" file:
<add name="RedisConnectionString" connectionString=",password=,ssl=False,abortConnect=False" />
In Windows Services (services.msc), right-click Redis, and choose Properties. Set the Startup Type to Automatic, and click OK. Right-click Redis again, and choose Start.
Note: If the connection string in step 6 is missing or not configured correctly, or if the Redis service is not running as in step 7, you may see an error:
[RedisConnectionException: No connection is available to service this operation: EVAL; SocketFailure on RedisConnectionString:6379/Subscription, origin: Error, input-buffer: 0, outstanding: 0, last-read: 2s ago, last-write: 2s ago, unanswered-write: 45477s ago, keep-alive: 60s, pending: 0, state: Connecting, last-heartbeat: never, last-mbeat: -1s ago, global: 2s ago, mgr: Inactive, err: never; IOCP: (Busy=0,Free=1000,Min=2,Max=1000), WORKER: (Busy=9,Free=8182,Min=2,Max=8191), Local-CPU: n/a] -
In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, start or restart all the services.
Note: That action starts or restarts the Riva Insight On-Premise Server and the intranet site that your Riva Insight clients log into.
From a client device, open Outlook and log in to Riva Insight to verify that both the server and the intranet site are operational.
Alternative: ASP.NET State Service
If you decide to use the ASP.NET State Service instead, do this:
Access the device that hosts your Riva Insight Server.
If upgrading from Riva Insight 2020.3 or earlier, be sure to use the "webSessionManagement.config" file from the Riva Insight On-Premise package instead of using your backed-up copy.
Open the "Riva\Riva Insight\Insight\webSessionManagement.config" XML file, and make sure it contains the following information:
<sessionState mode="StateServer" cookieSameSite="None" />
Remove the comment tags ("<!--" and "-->") around the info noted in the previous step.
Add comment tags around, or completely remove, the following block of text:
<sessionState customProvider="RedisSessionStateProvider" mode="Custom" cookieSameSite="None"> <providers> <add name="RedisSessionStateProvider" type="Microsoft.Web.Redis.RedisSessionStateProvider" connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds="9000" connectionString="RedisConnectionString" /> </providers> </sessionState>
For Insight 2022.4 and higher, Open the "Riva\Riva Insight\Insight\webSessionManagement.config" XML file.
Add comment tags ("<!--" and "-->") or remove the following two lines:
<remove name="Session" /> <add name="Session" type="Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModuleAsync, Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" preCondition="integratedMode" />
- NOTE: this step will need to be completed after each Riva Insight upgrade.
In Windows Services (services.msc), right-click ASP.NET State Service, and choose Properties. Set the Startup Type to Automatic, and click OK. Right-click ASP.NET State Service again, and choose Start.
In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, start or restart all the services.
Note: That action starts or restarts the Riva Insight On-Premise Server and the intranet site that your Riva Insight clients log into.
From a client device, open Outlook and log in to Riva Insight to verify that both the server and the intranet site are operational.