Sync Only One or Few Riva Users (For Testing)

  • Updated

Riva 2.4.54 or higher.

A sync policy can be quickly configured to restrict the sync temporarily to one or a few users. This ability makes it easy to test a configuration change on test users before rolling the change to the production users.

To restrict the sync to one or few users:

  1. Open the Riva Manager application.

  2. On the right pane, double-click the policy to edit it.

  3. In the window that appears, on the General tab, right-click in the Mailboxes list box and select Enable Entity Filter.

  4. In the Entity Filter window that appears, repeat the following sub steps as often as it takes to specify all of the entities (=users) to sync.

    1. In the Filter By User field,

      • Enter one or more email addresses separated by semi-colons; or
      • Enter one or more regex patterns separated by pipe characters.
    2. To the right of the Filter By User field, select add >>.

  5. Select OK.

    Visual results in the Mailboxes list box:

    • The users that were selected to sync are displayed in normal characters.
    • The users that will not sync in the next sync cycle(s) are displayed in light grey characters.
  6. Save the policy.

    Known issue: If users are added to or removed from the Mailboxes list box before saving the policy, the short list of users to sync may be lost, and steps 3 to 6 would need to be repeated.


    Result: If the known issue was avoided, only the selected users will be synced until you resume syncing all the users.

Resuming the Sync for All Users

To resume syncing all the users:

  1. Open the Riva Manager application.

  2. On the right pane, double-click the policy to edit it.

    Result: The Entity Filter Enabled dialog box appears and displays the question "Would you like to disable the filter and sync all users?"

  3. Select Yes.

    Result: In the Riva Manager application, the Mailboxes list box displays all the users in normal characters. That indicates that all users are queued to sync from now on.

  4. Save the policy.

    Result: Next time the policy syncs, all the users will be synced.

If at step 3, you selected No, you can still configure the policy to sync all users:

  1. On the General tab, right-click in the Mailboxes list box and select Enable Entity Filter.

  2. In the Entity Filter window, in the bottom left corner, select Clear Filter and click or tap OK.

    Result: In the Riva Manager application, the Mailboxes list box displays all the users in normal characters. That indicates that all users are queued to sync from now on.

  3. Save the policy.

    Result: Next time the policy syncs, all the users will be synced.

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