The Calendar page of the Riva for Exchange sync policy includes an option to Disable reminder synchronization.
When this option is selected, Riva will handle CRM alarm and Exchange appointment notifications for existing Riva synced calendar items in the following manner:
- If an alarm is set or modified in a CRM appointment, Riva will not sync that to Exchange as a reminder notification change.
- If a reminder notification is set or modified in an Outlook appointment, Riva will not sync that to the CRM as an alarm change.
New CRM Appointments: Auto-Setting of Outlook Reminder Notifications
Starting with Riva 2.4.25, when Riva syncs a new appointment, phone call, meeting, or event from the CRM to Exchange, a 15-minute notification reminder will be set on the Exchange/Outlook calendar appointment automatically, for two reasons:
- Outlook Automatically Set a Notification for New Appointments - by default, Outlook automatically adds a 15-minute notification for new calendar items. That can be modified in the Outlook Options under the "File" tab in the Outlook client:
- Riva automatically adds a 15-minute notification to the Exchange/Outlook appointment (even if the Outlook Default reminders option is not checked).
This automatic setting of an Outlook reminder notification works well when the user works primarily from their Outlook calendar. If the user works primarily from their CRM calendar, they may not want to set reminder notifications in Outlook for new appointments.
Disable Auto-Setting of Outlook Reminder Notifications
Riva 2.4.26 added an advanced option that can be applied to a Riva sync policy that will disable the automatic assigning of the 15-minute notification to CRM appointments synced to Exchange > Outlook (see Add Exchange CRM policy-specific "Advanced Custom Options" for instructions to apply advanced options):
Sync.Ex.EnableReminder = false (to enable this option)
Sync.Ex.EnableReminder = true (to disable this option if previously enabled)
Once the advanced option is set in the sync policy and the sync policy is saved, Riva should behave in the following manner:
If “Disable reminder synchronization” is checked in the Riva sync policy:
- New CRM appointments with an alarm will sync to Exchange > Outlook and NO notification alarm will be set.
- New CRM appointments without an alarm will sync to Exchange > Outlook and NO notification alarm will be set.
- New Outlook appointment with an alarm when synced to CRM will create a new appointment and NO notification alarm will be set.
- New Outlook appointment without an alarm when synced to CRM will create a new appointment and NO notification alarm will be set.
If “Disable reminder synchronization” is not checked in the Riva sync policy:
- New CRM appointments with an alarm will sync to Exchange > Outlook and apply the alarm value as a notification.
- New CRM appointments without an alarm will sync to Exchange > Outlook and NO notification alarm will be set.
- New Outlook appointment with an alarm when synced to CRM will create a new appointment and apply the Outlook notification value as the alarm.
- New Outlook appointment without an alarm when synced to CRM will create a new appointment and NO alarm will be set.
Applies to
Riva On-Premise for Exchange.
Riva On-Premise releases 2.4.26 or higher.