Email Processing Option: Sync Original MIME Email as .EML Attachment in The CRM

  • Updated

Customers requested the ability to save Riva synced email as a MIME attachment in the CRM.  Users can select the Include Original Mime as Attachment SmartConvert processing option to enable this feature.  When checked, Riva will save the original MIME formatted email as a .EML file attachment to the email item that Riva syncs to the activity history in the CRM.

Email Processing Option

Include the Original Mime as Attachment: (default: not checked)  When checked, Riva will save the email in the activity history and save the original email as a MIME attachment  .EML file.

save-email-as-mime (1).png

Include original attachment with the Mime attachment:  (default: not checked)  When selected, Riva will save email attachments related to the Mime attachment (instead of being saved in the activity history).

Custom option to save .EML file using email subject

By default, Riva will save the attachments as "OriginalMessage.eml". There is a custom option that can be applied that will save the .eml attachment with the same name as that of the email instead of using OriginalMessage.eml:

Riva 2.4.35+ includes a custom option that will allow skipped Exchange calendar items to be synced to the CRM as privatized calendar items ensuring that busy times in both systems match.

Apply the Custom Option:  This custom option can be applied to an Exchange sync policy.

Add the following custom option key and value:

Sync.Ex.MimeMessageAsAttachment.UseSubjectAsAttachmentName = true/false (false is the default)

Why save MIME formatted email attachments

The EML file is a type of file that is primarily related to the 'Outlook Express' from Microsoft Corporation. However, unlike Outlook Express, which cannot be opened with Internet Explorer, EML files can also be opened in Internet Explorer, because they are always formatted the same way as .MHT files.  It can be saved (exported) and then read by e-mail programs such as Microsoft Outlook allowing a user to reply to the email item.

Test using this feature

Customers are advised to test this processing option with their CRM system before adding it to production sync policies.  Some customers have reported sync errors when this option is selected indicating that some CRM systems cannot support saving .EML files as attachments to items.


Applies to

This email processing option is available in Riva for Exchange in the following modules:

  • SmartConvert
  • Inbox Email Processing
  • Sent Items Email Processing
  • Riva (for custom option)

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