Default Field Mappings For Exchange and NetSuite CRM

  • Updated

The tables list the field mappings per module between Exchange and NetSuite CRM. Additional fields are available at the NetSuite SOAP Schema Browser.


Field Name NetSuite CRM
Naming Fields
First Name firstName
Last Name lastName
Middle middleName
Title salutation
Notes comments
Company Name company
Job Title title
Manager supervisor
AssistantName assistant
Telephone Numbers
Business Phone phoneSee note 1
Business Phone 2 officePhone1
Home Phone homePhone
Mobile Phone mobilePhone
Business Fax fax
Assistant's Phone assistantPhone
Primary Address2
Business Street addr1 + NewLine + addr2 Note 3
Business City city
Business State/Province state
Business Zip/Postal Code zip
Business Country country4
Home Address5
Home Street addr1 + NewLine + addr2 Note 6
Home City city
Home State/Province state
Home Zip/Postal Code zip
Home Country country7
Other Address8
Other Street addr1 + NewLine + addr2 Note 9
Other City city
Other State/Province state
Other Zip/Postal Code zip
Other Country country10
Email Addresses
Email email
Email 2 altEmail



Field Name NetSuite CRM
Event Fields
Subject title
Location location
Start Time starttime
End Time endtime
Body message
Required Attendees attendee
All day event alldayevent



Field Name NetSuite CRM
Task Fields
Title title
Due date (start) startdate
Due date (end) duedate
Body message
Companies company


Phone Calls

Field Name NetSuite CRM
Phone Call Fields
Subject title
Location location
Start time starttime
End time endtime
Show time as accesslevel
Reminder reminder
Body message


Note 1 - Contact Phone Mapping

(Applies to Riva On-Premise only.) Before Riva On-Premise (June 2012), the mapping for NetSuite Phone was to Exchange Primary and NetSuite Office Phone to Exchange Business.

This mapping was changed to deprecate the use of "Exchange Primary Phone" due to compatibility issues with mobile devices.

To upgrade the existing mapping:

  1. Disable your policy.
  2. Apply the following advanced custom option to the NetSuite connection:
    NetSuite.PhoneMapping.UseBusiness = true.
  3. Edit your policy. For all users, perform a re-initialization with a "re-sync from CRM" of the Address Book module. For more information, see Resync.
  4. Enable your policy.

Other Notes

Note 2. First address in addressbookList.

Note 3. Concatenated.

Note 4. Uses Country Mapping.

Note 5. Second address in addressbookList.

Note 6. Concatenated.

Note 7. Uses Country Mapping.

Note 8. Third address in addressbookList.

Note 9. Concatenated.

Note 10. Uses Country Mapping.

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