Re-Initialization Options For Riva Sync Policies

  • Updated


See also How to re-initialize users.

What Are Re-Initialization Options?

Re-initialization options (also known as re-init options) are sync policy options applied to all or selected users to reset some or all of the synced data in the users' mailboxes or reset some of the user-related data in the CRM.

For example, the re-init options may be used in a sync cycle to

  • assist with resolving sync issues under specific conditions,
  • apply a new filter added to a sync policy against previously synced data, or
  • reset locked options in a CRM policy.

Categories of Re-Initialization Options

A growing number of re-init options has been appearing since the days they were introduced in early versions of Riva. For convenience, they are now described under four headings or categories:


  • The None re-init option applies to any category. — None: (Riva 2.4.29 or higher.) Cancels any re-init options previously saved that have not been synced by the CRM Agent service. Use this option to cancel a re-init option issued in error.

General re-init options

Alphabetical listing of the general re-init options:

Descriptions of the general re-init options:

  • Resync: (Riva 2.4.20 or higher.) Forcefully re-pushes data that has already been synced back to the email system. (Note: This re-init option does not perform a repoll).
    When to use Resync:

    • When applying an advanced option (or a directive change) to a sync policy or connection that results in changes to the way the previously synchronized contents should appear. Examples:

      • Changes in field mappings.

      • Adding the view mode link to the CRM contact record in the corresponding mailbox contact.

    • To re-create previously synchronized contacts that have been removed from the user's address book.

    • When Riva is customized to adjust field mappings.

    • When the contact FileAs setting is changed.

  • Repoll: (Riva 2.4.20 or higher.) Checks for modifications back to the original poll date (but not before the sync policy start date), unless an override key is in place. The Repoll option also performs a delete query and processes those deleted immediately.
    When to use Repoll:

    • When resetting the sync start time back to an older date or time (further in the past). This would sync additional contacts to the user's address book.

    • When applying an advanced option modifies which items are synced to the user's mailbox; for example, when enabling organic contact filters.

    • When changing a sync filter increases or decreases the number of items that are synced to the user's mailbox; for example, when changing a filter by security or ownership.

  • Mailbox Repoll: (Riva 2.4.29 or higher.) Repolls the mailbox starting from the policy's sync start time and adds or updates the items in the CRM as necessary. Use Mailbox Repoll when you need to force the update of mailbox data to the corresponding items in the CRM.

  • Resync and Repoll (from CRM): Performs both a repoll and a resync from the CRM to the email system and processes deletes from the CRM to the email system. Commonly used to ensure that CRM data is synced to the user mailbox and apply new filters saved in the sync policy.

  • Reverse Resync & Repoll (from Email): Re-scans the user mailbox and forces an update of CRM data with mailbox data. Before using this option, contact the Riva Success Team.

  • Limited Resync - Force update of systemIds or syncIds specified in the user settings: (Riva or higher.) When used in combination with the required advanced options, this re-init option forces one or more specific items in a specific module to sync in a specific direction (CRM to email system or vice versa). To configure this option with the required advanced options, see Resync only specified CRM or email-system items.

  • Refresh master categories list: (Office 365 and Exchange only; Riva or higher.) Whereas by default the master categories are refreshed once every 24 hours, using this re-init option refreshes them during the first available sync cycle.

  • None: (Riva 2.4.29 or higher.) Cancels any re-init options previously saved that have not been synced by the CRM Agent service. Use this option to cancel a re-init option issued in error.

Sync Restriction re-init options

Alphabetical listing of the sync restriction re-init options:

Descriptions of the sync restriction re-init options:

  • Override Delete Safety: (Riva 2.4.37 or higher.) Process deletions when Riva has stopped deletes because the Delete Safety trigger has been tripped. This option allows Riva to skip the Delete Safety filter and process items flagged for deletion. See How to bypass Delete Safety and process deletes during the next sync poll.

  • Clear Mailbox ID Conflict: (Riva or higher.) Use this option when a user mailbox and CRM user are not correctly renamed in the Riva sync policy. For more information, see Synchronization failed due to Crm ID conflict.

  • Override Delete Safety and skip deletes: (Riva 2.4.37 or higher.) For the next sync cycle, Delete Safety is disabled and no deletions are processed for the selected modules. Note: A future Resync operation might cause the skipped deletes to be processed. To prevent such deletions, perform a Repoll and Resync operation instead. For more information, see Skip the item deletions caught by the Delete Safety filter.

  • Override First Sync Safety: (Exchange and HCL Notes only; Riva or higher.)
    (Previously named Remove Sync Configuration (Riva through

    • Warning: If this re-init option is misused, a Lost and Found folder could be created next time the user is synced. Before even considering using this re-init option, contact the Riva Success Team.

    • This re-init option allows previously synced mailboxes to undergo a first sync (an initial sync). If two instances of Riva are running concurrently, or if the previous sync history is not accounted for, then duplicate items or possibly loss of data can occur. When such situations are detected, the first sync is aborted, resulting in a first sync error.

  • Override Conflicting Policy Safety: (Riva or higher.)
    (Previously named Force entity registry in destination (Riva through

    • Caution: Before using this re-init option, contact the Riva Success Team.

    • This re-init option allows a mailbox to be synchronized by a different policy. To do so, it overrides the advanced option ForceUserExclusivity, which, when set to true, prevents accidentally syncing a user in more than one policy or accidentally moving a user to another policy. Use this re-init option to sync a user even if the entity registry entry for this user points to a different policy or a different node in a multi-node deployment.

  • Clear UserId or OrgId Conflict:
    (Previously named Clear UserId Conflict (Riva 2.4.45).)

    • UserId conflict: (Riva or higher.) Warning: This option removes a previously registered user ID from the metadata.

      • By default, when a CRM user ID changes, the sync is prevented for that user. Why? If the data has not been migrated to the new CRM user account, the sync will delete all of the user's data from the email system.

      • If all the data has been properly migrated to the new CRM user account, it is safe to clear the user ID conflict and allow the sync to proceed. To do so, re-initialize the user whose CRM ID has changed, and use this re-init option.

    • Org ID conflict: (Riva or higher — Salesforce and Dynamics CRM.)

      • The sync is prevented for an organization if the CRM instance that the sync is about to connect to is not the same as the CRM instance that it connected to in the previous sync cycle.

      • If the change of CRM instance was intentional, re-initialize all users and use this re-init option.

  • None: (Riva 2.4.29 or higher.) Cancels any re-init options previously saved that have not been synced by the CRM Agent service. Use this option to cancel a re-init option issued in error.

Maintenance re-init options

Alphabetical listing of the maintenance re-init options:

Descriptions of the maintenance re-init options:

  • Rebase: (Riva 2.4.32 or higher.) Corrects sync issues related to information already stored in the metadata for organizations and contacts from previous sync cycles. This option clears the metadata for organizations and contacts. Do not select this option unless directed to do so by Riva Support. The rebase process creates backups of the metadata from before the rebase. You can restore the backups by renaming them back to their original names. Restriction: Perform this renaming only if advised by the Riva Success Team.

  • Clear Cache: Clears the email address cache for contacts and users stored in the metadata. For more information, contact the Riva Success Team.

  • Clean Metadata:

    • For improved performance, Clean Metadata removes obsolete metadata entries. This re-init option is used to shrink the metadata databases when they have become very large. Nothing is deleted from the CRM or email system.

    • In Riva or higher, it is possible to remove calendar item metadata according to its age.

  • Update Statistics: Updates the statistics of items that have been synced and stores them in the metadata.

  • Populate start dates in the Global Calendar Management service - Maintenance mode is required: (Riva or higher.) Before using this re-init option, contact the Riva Success Team.

  • Rename User: (Riva 2.4.52 or higher.) When used in combination with the required advanced option, this re-init option maps the metadata of an old user to a new user and retains the old user without affecting the license count. The old user will not be synced. For more information, see Rename user while retaining the old user name.

  • None: (Riva 2.4.29 or higher.) Cancels any re-init options previously saved that have not been synced by the CRM Agent service. Use this option to cancel a re-init option issued in error.

Troubleshooting: re-init options used to troubleshoot sync issues

Alphabetical listing of the troubleshooting re-init options:

Descriptions of the troubleshooting re-init options:

  • Full: This is an intrusive process that purges (removes) all data previously created in the email account by Riva (except for calendar items) and resynchronizes whatever policy changes are made to sync the new set of CRM data to the email account. A Riva Lost and Found folder is not created for the calendar items that Riva can remap. Before using Fullcontact the Riva Success Team to reconfirm the intended results of the operation.


    • When to use Full:

      • When one or more email connections have been replaced.

      • If the category names need to be modified.

      • If the name of the contact folder Riva syncs to needs to be changed.

      • If the location that Riva syncs CRM contacts to needs to be changed; for example, switching from syncing to a Riva-created contact folder like Company CRM to the default Contacts folder, or vice-versa.

      • To set the Sync Start Date to sometime closer in the past than before. See How to rename folders and categories and reset the sync date on a CRM policy.

    • The Full re-init option may produce Riva Lost and Found folders in the user's email account. See What is the "Lost and Found" folder created by Riva?.

    • Full operation on the calendar actually performs a Resync of calendar items. This prevents Outlook-generated appointments from being removed unexpectedly.

  • Clear: Removes all items that have been synced by Riva On-Premise in the email account, and no new items are brought down. Use this option before permanently removing a user account from a CRM policy or when directed to use it by Riva support.

  • Mailbox Uncancel Appointments: Uncancel appointments that were synced from the CRM as "cancelled". Before using this option, contact the Riva Success Team, because some advanced options may need to be applied. To specify which Show As value to assign to those calendar items, see Uncancel "Cancelled" appointments.

  • Restore Lost And Found Items: (Riva 2.4.40 or higher.) Moves items from Riva Lost and Found containers (contact lists, task to-do lists, child calendars, or email folders) back to the original locations that Riva moved them from. Caution: Before selecting this option, see Restore Riva Lost and Found items and contact the Riva Success Team.

  • Tombstone CRM-originating items: (Riva or higher.) In the mailbox, items that originated in the CRM are marked as though they had been deleted from the CRM. In the next sync cycle, the items are deleted from the mailbox, but not from the CRM.

  • Clear metadata: (Riva 2.4.50 or higher.)
    (Previously named Refresh metadata (Riva 2.4.49 or earlier).)
    Erases all the metadata. It is like a full re-init, but without deleting previously synced items from the email system.

  • Remove empty Lost & Found folders - Deletes all empty Lost and Found folders: (Riva or higher.) What is a Lost and Found folder? Before using this re-init option, contact the Riva Success Team.

  • Restore deleted items: (Exchange only; Riva or higher.) If some requirements are met, this re-init option is used in combination with some advanced options to undelete or uncancel items that were deleted or canceled by Riva within a specified date range. For more information, see Restore deleted items and/or uncancel canceled items.

  • Modify Item Categories: (Exchange only; Riva or higher.) This re-init option is used in combination with some advanced options to remove specific Exchange categories from various Exchange items of the specified users. For more information, see Remove Categories from Exchange items.

  • Delete Disqualify Resync: (Exchange only; Riva 2.4.48 or higher.) If an Exchange appointment cannot be updated to the CRM for an attendee sync user due to a lack of CRM permissions, that appointment is disqualified from being deleted from Exchange on subsequent syncs. After the permissions are restored, use Delete Disqualify Resync to reprocess the appointment and force the update into the CRM.

  • None: (Riva 2.4.29 or higher.) Cancels any re-init options previously saved that have not been synced by the CRM Agent service. Use this option to cancel a re-init option issued in error.

Metadata, Defined

In Riva, metadata is more specifically called "transaction metadata". It is the list of things like the ID numbers and modification time stamps of the items that have been synchronized (synced) for each user. It contains nothing at all that could be used to re-create the contents of those items. Riva depends on the transaction metadata when it determines what needs to be synced during the next sync cycle.

Applies to

  • Riva On-Premise 2.4.20 or higher, for Exchange, HCL Notes, and Google.

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