Infor CRM (Saleslogix): Connection to CRM Server Failed: User Could Not Be Found by CurrentUserID Query

  • Updated


A CRM connection error appeared in the CRM Monitor for an Infor CRM (Saleslogix) CRM user. Examination of the crmex-log file revealed the following error:

2012-01-23 05:00:27,784  INFO [CTP-rjr #824] [1551644140] Establishing connection to Exchange []..
2012-01-23 05:00:40,907  INFO [CTP-rjr #824] [1551644140] Establishing connection to Saleslogix Connection [IMPERSONATION]...
2012-01-23 05:00:40,907  INFO [CTP-rjr #824] [1551644140] No match found based on email
2012-01-23 05:00:41,188  INFO [CTP-rjr #824] [1551644140] Connection to CRM Server failed: User 'Test_User' (Test_User) could not be found by CurrentUserID query.
2012-01-23 05:00:41,485 ERROR [CTP-rjr #824] [1551644140] Minor error occurred during synchronization.
Omni.Scheduling.SchedulePostponeException: User 'Test_User' (Test_User) could not be found by CurrentUserID query. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: User 'Test_User' (Test_User) could not be found by CurrentUserID query.



In this case, Riva On-Premise cannot locate a matching user in the Saleslogix system for the target Exchange user specified on the General page of the sync policy.

  • No match found based on email indicates that a user with a matching primary email address cannot be located.
  • Connection to CRM Server failed: User 'Test_User' (Test_User) could not be found by CurrentUserID query indicating that attempts to locate a matching Saleslogix user based on a suitable Saleslogix user name failed.


In Infor CRM (Saleslogix), locate the corresponding user (or create a user in Infor CRM (Saleslogix)), and configure the primary email address to use the matching the primary SMTP Reply-to email address for the corresponding target Exchange user.

For more information, see Prepare the target user accounts in Saleslogix.

Applies to

  • Riva On-Premise for Exchange and Infor CRM (Saleslogix).

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