Audience: Riva administrators.
Enabling Riva Insight from your sync policy will enabled the features for Track in CRM and allows you to set your Insight URL that Windows Add-in will use.
To configure the Riva Insight default URL with for Riva On-Premise (sync):
- Edit the Riva On-Premise (sync) Policy File
- Click on the "Riva Insight" menu item
- Select "Enable Riva Insight Compatibility"
- Enter the URL for your Insight application
Note: Selecting Track in CRM in the email client without configuring Track in CRM causes a Configuration window to report an error.
To test if Riva Insight Track in CRM has been properly installed and configured:
In the client, on the File menu, select About Riva Insight.
In the window that appears, select Show Advanced Configuration.
If you see values in the three fields below Show Advanced Configuration, the installation worked, as on this screen shot.
If you do not see values in those fields, select Close, wait for the next sync, and repeat steps 1–2. If you still do not see values in those fields, contact us.