Riva Insight OnPremise Redis State Service Configuration

  • Updated
First Available In:   Insight Server 2020.4+ OnPremise
Audience:   Riva Insight Administrators; Riva CET; Riva Success


The ASP.NET State Service has been deprecated starting with Riva Insight Server 2022.4.86034 OnPremise


Riva Insight State Server

  • Riva Insight 2020.4+ OnPremise now requires the user of a State Server for session and cache management
  • Riva Insight uses Redis as its State Server provider
  • The ASP.NET State Service has been deprecated for Riva Insight 2022.4.86034+
  • If upgrading from a version of Riva Insight prior to 2020.4, or a version of Riva Insight prior to 2022.4.86034 that was using the ASP.NET State Server your may get an invalid State Server message. 
  • To update Riva Insight to use a State Server, follow the instructions below.

How To: Use Redis as a State Server

  • Install Redis on the Riva Insight OnPremise package, or download the Redis MSI from https://dl.rivacrmintegration.com/builds/misc/Redis-x64-
  • You may install Redis on the same server for smaller installations, or on a dedicated server for larger installations.
  • Under the Services Control Panel (services.msc) ensure the "Redis" service has the "Startup type" set to "Automatic" and has been started
  • Update webSessionManagement.config under {InsightApp}\Insight\ to the following:
<sessionState customProvider="RedisSessionStateProvider" mode="Custom">
    <add name="RedisSessionStateProvider" type="Microsoft.Web.Redis.RedisSessionStateProvider" connectionString="RedisConnectionString" />
  • Ensure webConnectionStrings.config under {InsightApp}\Insight\ has an entry for "RedisConnectionString"
  • If Redis is not using the default ip, port or password, update the RedisConnectionString as required
  <add name="RedisConnectionString" connectionString=",password=,abortConnect=false" />

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