Applies to Riva Insight.
Riva Insight displays the following error message:
The error can also appear in the Insight client logs:
System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost/WebAPI/compatibility/SyncService.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Potential Causes
- The WebAPI endpoint may be incorrect, or offline.
- The port and hostname for the HTTP binding may be missing or incorrect.
- Ensure that the WebAPI endpoint is online, configured correctly and referenced in AppSettings.xml,
- Ensure that there is an HTTP binding to the localhost hostname in IIS Server.
A. To check the WebAPI endpoint:
- Restart IIS (or recycle the Application Pools).
- In IIS, browse to the WebAPI service.
- Select the compatibility application under the WebAPI application.
- Select Content View (located at the bottom, middle of the IIS console).
- Select SyncService.svc.
- Click the Browse action in the right-hand column.
A web browser will open up and load the URL of the web services. Ensure that the page has no errors, and shows the Service page.
If the page has errors, or fails to load, ensure that the compatibility subfolder in the Connections pane of IIS has been converted to an application.
B. In \Insight\App_Data\AppSettings.xml, ensure that the following key is present & enabled:
add key="/Insight/SdkAddress" value="http://localhost/WebAPI/compatibility/SyncService.svc" />
To check for the localhost HTTP binding:
- On the server hosting Riva Insight, open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
- In the Connections pane, expand the server name, expand Sites, and then select the Riva Insight Web site.
- In the Actions pane, select Bindings...
- If the HTTP localhost binding is missing in the Site Bindings pop-up window, select Add.
- In the Add Site Binding dialogue box, enter the following information:
- Type: http
- Port: 80
- Host name: localhost
- Type: http
- Select OK.