- Riva Insight Cloud 2023.4
- Riva Insight Cloud
Web Add-in Client
- Installed from Insight 2023.1+
- Outlook on the Web
- Outlook for Windows
- Outlook for Mac
- Outlook for Mobile (iOS/Android)
- As Frank, it is difficult for me to quickly identify which meetings I have tracked or synced to CRM.
- Riva Insight and the to-do bar (Calendar) take up too much space when both are open.
- Have your schedule and Insight all within one side panel.
- Quickly see your schedule for the day, or any selected day.
- Easily identify if a meeting has been tracked and/or synced.
- Open the meeting to view the meeting details or track it.
- Join a Teams meeting just prior (15 minutes) or after a meeting as started.
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