Migrate User Mailboxes to Office 365 When Syncing Calendars From CRM to Exchange Only Without Using The Microsoft Hybrid Migration Tool

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Migration type:

  • Migration of Riva-synced user mailboxes from Exchange on-premises to Office 365.

Migration tool used or to be used:

  • Mailboxes have already been migrated or will be migrated to Office 365 by
    • Using a third-party migration tool (like MigrationWhiz), or
    • Using the Microsoft staged migration method (no AD integration), or
    • Importing mailboxes from PST files.


    Caution: Do not refer to this article if mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365 by using the AD-integrated hybrid method. For the appropriate instructions, see Migrate user mailboxes to Office 365 by using the hybrid migration method.

Sync configuration requirement:

  • Riva sync policies are configured to either not sync calendar items or to sync calendars in uni-directional mode, from the CRM to Exchange only.

Migrating Instructions for Riva Cloud Corporate

Migrating Instructions for Riva On-Premise

  1. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Before attempting the migration, review the entire process with our professional services team. Contact the Riva Success Team.
  2. Determine which version is installed. If it is not at least 2.4.37, upgrade Riva On-Premise to the latest public release.
  3. To request professional services to lead your Riva Admin team through this procedure, contact the Riva Success Team.
  4. Prepare Office 365.
  5. Migrate the Riva-synced users to Office 365.

Step 4: Prepare Office 365

To prepare Office 365 for Riva and the Windows host server for connectivity to Office 365:

  1. Prepare corporate firewalls for connectivity with Office 365.
  2. Confirm connectivity from the Windows host server to Office 365.

Step 5: Migrate the Riva-synced users to Office 365

To reconfigure Riva as part of the migrating mailboxes to Office 365:

  1. Immediately before migrating the mailboxes, in the Riva Service Monitor application (or Windows services), stop the service.

  2. In the Riva Manager application, on the menu, select Policies. On the right pane, right-click the current sync policy, and choose Disable.

  3. Migrate the mailboxes (including the mailbox for the Riva connection user for Exchange).

  4. Log in to the Riva connection user mailbox to confirm that the mailbox is active.

  5. In the Office 365 Admin Panel, assign the Riva Connection user to the Exchange ApplicationImpersonation Role, which will grant it the correct permissions required in Office 365. For instructions, see Prepare Office 365 Exchange permissions for Riva connections.

  6. In the Riva Manager application, if the menu displays Setup, select Setup. On the right pane, double-click the existing EWS connection to edit it.

  7. On the Connection Details page, change the Host to https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx, and reset the password. Change the Impersonation Method option from Delegate Full Access to EWS Impersonation.

  8. Save the connection.

  9. Double-click the existing EWS connection to edit it, and select the Test page.

  10. Select Run Test for Riva to perform a connection test for the connection user. If the test passes, select OK. If the test fails, contact the Riva Success Team.

  11. On the Test page, in the User Email field, add the email address of one of the users in the sync policy. Select Run Test for Riva to perform a connection test for the syncing user. If the test passes, select OK. If it fails, contact the Riva Success Team.

  12. If both connection tests pass, select Save to save the connection.

  13. In the Riva Manager application, on the menu, select Policies. On the right pane, double-click the sync policy to edit it.

  14. Configure the following line-in-the-sand advanced options for the policy. Read about the Line-in-the-Sand procedure. We highly recommend contacting the Riva Success Team for this step.

    Key = value
    Sync.Crm.MinStartDate.Appointment = yyyy-mm-dd
    Sync.Ex.MinStartDate.Calendar = yyyy-mm-dd
    Sync.Crm.MinCreateDate.Appointment = yyyy-mm-dd
    Sync.Ex.MinCreateDate.Calendar = yyyy-mm-dd
    Sync.Ex.SyncStartTimeOverride.Calendar = yyyy-mm-dd
    Sync.Crm.SyncStartTimeOverride.Appointment = yyyy-mm-dd
    Sync.Crm.FirstSyncExistingItemOption.Calendar = SyncToCrm

  15. Save the sync policy. When Riva prompts to start the service, select Yes.

  16. Monitor data sync for the users, and ensure that you do not see any sync errors.

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