Dry Run Mode in Riva 2.4.47 or Higher

  • Updated

We recommend enabling Dry Run Mode to test the changes made to a connection or a sync policy before running them live. Alternatively, in Riva 2.4.54 or higher, it is easy to configure a policy to sync only one or more Riva test users.


In Riva 2.4.47 or higher, using Dry Run Mode as described in this article is much simpler than using the method introduced in Riva 2.4.35.


In Riva 2.4.53 or higher, Dry Run Mode can be used as a development tool as well. The sync policy can be modified and further tested while in Dry Run Mode. When exiting from Dry Run Mode, the admin can choose to retain the policy changes or dismiss them.



What is the benefit of enabling Dry Run Mode after editing a connection or sync policy?

  • Dry Run Mode eliminates some of the risks of incorrectly editing a connection or sync policy:

    • Mass deletions of previously synced items.

    • Mass creations of additional copies of previously synced items.

How does enabling Dry Run Mode eliminate those risks?

  • When Dry Run Mode is enabled, sync processes run as normally, except that all data operations are skipped:
    • Data updates are skipped and displayed as skipped items because those are normal.

    • Creates and Deletes are skipped and displayed as errors because those would be indicative of a problem with a Riva re-configuration.

  • After running the sync in Dry Run Mode, examine the sync logs and look for errors.

  • If errors occur, correct the connection or sync policy settings that caused the errors and run the sync in Dry Run Mode again.

  • When no errors occur, disable Dry Run Mode and let the normal sync cycles resume.

When is enabling Dry Run Mode especially recommended?

  • Mailboxes are migrated using the Riva mailbox migration procedure.

  • CRM accounts are duplicated into a second instance of the CRM and the Riva CRM connection is modified to connect to the new CRM instance.

To enable Dry Run Mode in Riva 2.4.47 or higher

  1. In the Riva Manager application, on the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. In the right pane, right-click a policy, and select Enable Dry Run Mode.

    Result: The next sync cycle will be run in Dry Run Mode.

    • The Riva Service Monitor will skip data updates and display them as skipped items because those are normal.
    • The monitor will skip creates and deletes and display them as errors because those would be indicative of a problem with a Riva re-configuration.

To benefit from Dry Run Mode

  • If you have noticed mass creates or deletes, check the most recent crmex-log file for errors, and contact the Riva Success Team immediately for instructions. DO NOT start the sync service again.

To disable Dry Run Mode in Riva 2.4.47 or higher

After all the errors have been fixed, disable Dry Run Mode and let the normal sync cycles resume.

To disable Dry Run Mode:

  1. In the Riva Manager application, on the menu bar, select Policies.

  2. In the right pane, right-click the policy that was successfully run in Dry Run Mode, and select Disable Dry Run Mode.

    Possible result in Riva 2.4.53 or higher: If the sync policy was modified while in Dry Run Mode, the Policy Changes Detected dialog box appears.

  3. If the Policy Changes Detected dialog box appears, choose to keep the policy changes or dismiss them.

  4. In the Delete Dry Run Metadata window that appears, select one of the following:

    • Yes: Requirement: The dry run was successful. Result: Deletes the metadata and ensures that the normal sync cycles resume.
    • No: Requirement. The dry run was successful. Result: Retains the metadata for future reference and ensures that the normal sync cycles resume.
    • Cancel: Dry Run Mode remains in effect for the sync policy. The metadata is retained.

To enable intelligent contact creation in Dry Run Mode

For more information, see Intelligent Contact Creation.




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