Riva CRM 2.4.25 (2011.11.23)

  • Updated

This release includes the following enhancements:

Riva CRM Sync Policy

  • KB 318: Ability to disable attachment support on a per-module basis.  Added an advanced option to disable attachment sync on a per-module basis. 
  • KB 476: Ability to make attachment extension filter inclusive or exclusive.  Added ability to specify whether the attachment filter under the "Advanced Options" page is inclusive or exclusive.
  • KB 524: Advanced option to disable synchronization of organizations.  If CRM is configured so that organization changes trigger modifications on contacts, the org sync is not needed. 
  • Move Emails with "Missing Required Matches" to Source Folder (new default) - Change default email handling for SmartConvert/AssignTo emails that fail required contact/lead matching, email is assigned "Missing Required Matches" and moved back to a source folder ("Inbox" or "Sent Items").  In effect, users will no longer check drop folders for emails that failed to sync due to a lack of matching contacts/leads and Riva will no longer have to try to resync those emails on each sync cycle.

Riva Connections

  • KB 526: Added "Use Proxy" options to CRM connections.  Added ability to specify "Use Proxy" settings during or after creating a CRM connection.

CRM Specific Enhancements

  • KB 500: MSCRM:  Configure Timeout to Web Service Option.  Added an advanced option for the Riva application and the CRM Sync Agents to adjust the authentication and service timeout values for connections to the target web service. 
  • KB 499: Netsuite:  App.Setting to adjust/set the Riva query record limit.  Added app.setting options to adjust and set the number of records per query Riva copies from NetSuite. 
  • KB 504: GoldMine:  Advanced option to disable syncing of contact notes.  Added an advanced option to disable syncing of contact notes in GoldMine.  
  • KB 537: Salesforce:  Added advanced option to adjust Riva query retrieve size limit.  Advance option to adjust the number of responses from Salesforce to a query per API Call.  Use this option to improve sync performance or reduce the number of API calls consumed.  
  • KB 496: Salesforce:  Added advanced option to default RecordType when creating new entries.  Advanced options to assign non-default Salesforce record types as default for Exchange to CRM create a sync. 
  • KB 020: SugarCRM: Added support for detecting IsClosed custom values.  App.setting to allow Riva to support custom values for detecting if items are closed.  

Exchange/Outlook Specific Enhancements

  • KB 465: During Contact creation, prefix new OrgName if not a match is found.  Revised the advanced option keys and values.  
  • KB 498: Remove "Bad" Categories from the Master Category List.  An advanced option to identify and remove "bad" categories from the user's Master Category List.  
  • KB 528: Ability to format the name of Accounts/Organizations created by Riva from Outlook Address Book.  Advanced option to add a prefix or suffix to the "Company Name" value when creating new contacts + account or organization objects in the CRM from the Outlook Address Book.  

Special options that can be enabled by Omni Professional Services

These features have been added to Riva to support customer-specific requirements.  Contact Omni support to discuss and enable any of these custom changes.

  • MSCRM: Added ability to define custom filters.  Added ability to define custom filters using references to XML files.  
  • Salesforce:  Added "Add to Outlook" based on related object property.  Opt-in subscription-based contact filtering.  Requires Salesforce customizations. 
  • Salesforce:  Added "Private Contact Notes" based on note object.  Ability to store contact notes on a per-user basis. The contact note body is not shared among users.
  • Salesforce:  Added support for custom email addresses.  Salesforce only ships with one Email address field on the Contact and none of the Account, customers often add custom fields.  Riva can be configured to easily match based on custom email fields. 
  • Oracle On-Demand:  Option to Disable Attendee Syncing.  Advanced option to disable global object ID mapping and attendee syncing.   
  • Advanced Option to force back updates on any module.  An advanced option for forcing a sync back to Exchange.  Enabled in cases where the CRM has a custom workflow that may save changes to the CRM before Riva sync to the CRM completes. Since the date/time stamps of the changes are earlier than the full sync poll, new items are not synced back to Exchange as expected.  
  • Configure external file references.  Added ability to reference specific values from external files on connection and sync policy advanced options. 

Updating Riva CRM Integration Server

Recommended Update Procedures:  Customers can upgrade their Riva CRM Integration Server server using the "Check for Updates" feature which can be configured to support proxy authentication environments.

Previous Release:   Riva CRM 2.4.24 (2011.08.31)

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