Riva On-Premise 2.4.46 (2018.02.22): Release Notes

  • Updated

These release notes provide a quick overview of the major enhancements and fixes included in the following release:

Release version:
Release date: 2018.02.22
Latest Hotfix: (2018.03.16)
Update procedure: How to update Riva
Manual update procedure How to update Riva from a ZIP file


The Riva On-Premise server is available for a free 15-day trial.


Benefits of This Release

This release provides enhancements in the following areas:

Sync Configuration Enhancements

  • Ability to specify if the CRM connection user is dedicated to sync:
    Every CRM connection — except for GoldMine — now has a check box titled "Is the connection user dedicated for sync".
    For more information, see Is the Riva connection user dedicated for sync?
  • Attendee management of calendar items in the CRM:
    In previous versions of Riva, the attendee sync mode was controlled with advanced options.
    Now, attendee syncing can be managed in a dialog box.
    For more information, see Choosing the Attendee mode (email-to-CRM sync only).
  • Ability to assign user-friendly Display Names to connections:
    It is now possible to assign a user-friendly Display Name to a CRM or email system connection.
    For more information, see Display Name.
  • New page in sync policies created in Riva 2.4.46 or higher:
    This does not affect policies created in previous versions of Riva.
    The new Re-Initialize page replaces the Sync Start Time page.
    For more information, see the Re-Initialize page.

Reporting Issues More Easily

  • Tool to create a support package:
    In previous versions of Riva, sending the required files and logs from a Riva instance to tech support was a manual process.
    Now, a few clicks suffice. The Riva Manager application then gathers all the required files into a password-protected .zip file for you to send to Riva.
    Security Warning: The password and .zip file must be communicated separately.
    For more information, see Create a Package for technical support.

CRM-Specific Enhancements


  • Safety: Preventing accidentally changing the CRM instance:
    The sync is prevented if the sync engine detects that the Salesforce instance that a sync cycle is about to connect to is not the same as the Salesforce instance that it connected to in the previous cycle.
    For more information, Clear UserId or OrgId Conflict.

Dynamics CRM

  • Safety: Preventing accidentally changing the CRM instance:
    The sync is prevented if the sync engine detects that the Dynamics CRM instance that a sync cycle is about to connect to is not the same as the Dynamics CRM instance that it connected to in the previous cycle.
    For more information, Clear UserId or OrgId Conflict.


  • Support for Sugar 7 or higher with the REST protocol:
    The new SugarCRM 7+ Wizard can now be used to create a REST connection to Sugar 7 or higher.
    For instructions, see create a Sugar 7+ connection.

Email-Specific Enhancements

Office 365 and Exchange

  • Ability to refresh the master category list on demand:
    A re-init option is now available to refresh the list.
    For more information, see Refresh Master categories.

IBM Notes

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