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Riva Engine Knowledgebase
Riva Cloud
Manage Your CRM (Sugar)
Manage Your CRM (Sugar)
Sugar: Error Occurred in PollChanges for Module - Task: [MissingRequiredField] Required Field LastModified Was Missing
Sugar Error: Unable to Convert Object to Item: [[[Name of CRM Object]:Missing Required Field: [[Name of Field.]]]
Sugar: Connection Timeout
Sugar: "Resource Management Error: Error Query Limit of 1000 Reached"
Sugar: Password Expired: You Have Been Locked out of the Sugar Application and Cannot Log In Using Existing Password. Please Contact Your Administrator.
Configure “Use Impersonation” Support for Sugar Community Edition and SuiteCRM
Sugar: Modules Fail With "INVALID_SOAPXML_RESPONSE: Invalid Response Content Type of 'text/html', ..."
Sugar Error: [Users:-20006] Database Failure. Please Refer to sugarcrm.log For Details. [v6.2.1]
Sugar: Error "Access Denied" Explanation
Sugar: Resolve Riva "Access Denied" Errors After Upgrading to Latest Sugar 6.x version
Sugar: PHP Compatibility Issue with PHP 5.3
How to Resolve a Sugar 7+ (422) Unprocessable Entity Error
Sugar: Error While Testing Connection Before Saving (in Riva Cloud)
Sugar: Setting Default For Cases and Opportunities
Sugar: Customize The IsClosed Detection
Map Outlook Fields to Custom Fields in Sugar
Default Field Mappings For Exchange <> Sugar
Sugar: "Sync to Mail Client" Contact Sync Filter Options
Sync CRM-Related Contacts in Sugar to Email Linked Contacts
Authenticate to Sugar 8 Through a Custom API Platform
Create a Sugar Connection (Prior to Sugar 7): Riva Cloud
Create a Sugar 7+ Connection: Riva Cloud
Prepare Sugar, SuiteCRM, and intelecrm for Riva Cloud Corporate